Friday, May 24, 2013

5 Fuzzies for Friday

My kinders had 3 days of school this week (one of which I was at an all day conference) and the other 2 days were parent conferences. It was a super busy week.
Here are 5 fuzzies for Friday.
1. I was looking out my door for a conference to show and saw a student I taught last year. I waved and asked him how he was. He asked if he could give me a *hug*. Of course. How sweet he was.
2. I was talking to a first grade teacher and she was telling me how some of her students that I knew had taken off with reading and socializing and general growing up. She was so proud of them and so am I.
3. Tuesday night I got to go to dinner with teammates from my old school. Some of us had been there for a long time and some a short time before it was restructured and many of us are in different places now. What a pleasure it was to see these ladies and hear about their personal lives and teaching. Facebook and email just aren't enough.
4. Parent Conferences. I got to tell parents how much their children have grown and the wonderful things they are doing.
4 1/2. And it always makes me blush when they tell me how much their children love my class and me.
5. I attended an eCoach training and talked tech with others from the county including a previous teammate of mine and when you smile at someone, they will smile back. :)
6. Another teacher in my hall hit the dollar spot and brought me back a surprise.
7. I was able to use the wait time between conferences at the Boys and Girls club to share with my teammate and assistant principal. I had a few minutes to talk with the special education teacher about her youngest daughter's graduation.

And on it goes. My own children have to make this list because they do something special every day to show they love me.

(I'll be posting a new freebie soon. I've been buried in paperwork.)

Here's hoping you had some warm fuzzies this week.


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